Thursday, January 27, 2022

Calm before the Storm

 Well JUST CHILL OUT!  It's 6 degrees F out right now, and bright and sunny. It's 7am and the house is cold but is heating up for the day.  My mother is visiting for a few months and will be awake soon and out for her morning coffee.  We plan to get groceries and then go to the town library for more books, and then hide back here and read them. I'm reading Stephen King at the moment.

   It's the calm before the storm, because of a fsnow blizzard this weekend   The stores have been raided for salt for driveways and are all out, including Lowes and Home Depot.  Now folks (me too) are hitting grocery store for milk, eggs and TP.  

   We plan to hide inside and play games for a couple days, except for snowblowing and shoveling!

Dog walking: Rocky checked out Rumney Marsh

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